With two summers taken away by the pandemic, you will have some travel plans shortly. Going to a different destination can help reset your mind and body. It also undoubtedly will shift your mood. Even planning for a getaway and marking it on your calendar may bring positive vibes.

Of course, since travel hasn’t happened as frequently as before, you might have forgotten what you need to bring. Packing too much or too little can stress your trip once you leave the house. Depending on where you are heading, you may need to take certain precautions with the items you’re bringing. This is especially true if you have any health condition and are traveling with medications.

If you’re worried about taking prescriptions with you on your trip, do not fret. This article will dive into all you need about packing and traveling with various medications. Keep reading to find out three ways to stay on top of your prescriptions if you’re traveling this summer.

Traveling This Summer

1. Bring More Than You Need

Who doesn’t love an extra-long vacation, right? An extra day can be the biggest hassle when you’re stuck in an airport because of delayed or canceled flights. A different day of unexpected travel may disrupt your routine if you are on certain prescriptions. The seriousness of this disruption depends on your health condition.

No matter what type of birth control you take, including the pill, patch, or ring, this is the case. Considering that, it’s good to think about the worst-case scenario and bring more than you need. If you’re on, For example, birth control, have enough for the entire vacation plus an extra few days. Missing a day or two of birth control can wreak havoc on your hormones so it’s best to be prepared.

Could you keep your medications in the original packaging as you pack them? While emptying a bottle of pills into a plastic bag might be tempting, it looks suspicious. If you’re flying – whether domestically or internationally – you’re more likely for the TSA to pull you aside. And always be sure to keep your prescriptions in your carry-on instead of checked baggage. Not only could your luggage get lost, but the temperature variations in the cargo area may also affect your medications.

2. Set Reminders

One easy way to stay on track is to set reminders for yourself. It’s easy to miss a dosage when you’re in your routine. It’s even easier to forget to take medications when you’re on vacation, and your schedule is out the window.

A reminder can look like a sticky note beside your hotel nightstand. It could also mean adding them to your phone’s calendar. Many scheduling apps are available if you would like a push notification sent to you automatically. Of course, you’ll have to be sure you have your medication when exploring or sightseeing. If you need to take medication on an empty stomach, put it next to the fridge.

When changing zones, try as best as possible to keep your timing synced with your home location. This is more pertinent to medications that need to be taken at the same time every day. You may have a one- or two-hour window, or perhaps you can stick with your morning or evening dosage. Before y.ou leave, ask your pharmacist for their recommendation..

3. Get. automatic Refills

Many things in our lives are automated these days. Groceries are delivered weekly. Bills are paid monthly on a scheduled date. Subscription services renew with ease. Automatization has many benefits, making it reasonable to subscribe to automatic prescription refills, too.

This is particularly beneficial if your schedule is especially hectic. Without even thinking about it, your medications will auto-renew each month. Many pharmacies now offer delivery as well to make the process truly seamless. This ensures you run out, even if you are plannplanextra medication for an upcoming vacation.

While traveling, it’s always smart to bring your insurance card and doctor or pharmacist information. If you run into any issues, you can quickly call them for help getting a prescription in your new destination. If you are going, consider bringing a doctor’s note. If you are going overseas, this could be helpful if you’re traveling with any liquid medications you’re afraid may get stopped by the TSA.


Vacation is meant to be enjoyed, not spent worrying about if or when you should take your medications. Of course, if you forget to take a dose, there’s no n,eed to stress too much. Try to get back on track the very next day. Your body may feel a bit off, but the sooner you get back on schedule, the better. Keep these tips in mind when traveling with medications; you’ll f; you’llepared knowing you have an action plan.