The U.S. Coast Guard announced Tuesday it would implement a program to pay shipping costs for service members who send breast milk to their babies when underway or on other official travel. The reimbursement program, funded by Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, will pay up to $750 a year per household for shipping. It will be available to all active-duty personnel, Public Health Services officers and Navy chaplains detailed to the Coast Guard, reserve members on active duty status, and spouses on business travel.

Coast Guard to Pay for Moms on Duty to Ship Breast Milk 1

Coast Guard civilian employees. The new benefit is among a host of initiatives underway in the sea service to attract and keep women. In a Coast Guard-wide message, Rear Adm. Matthew Sibley, acting assistant commandant for Human Resources, said feedback from the service’s Women’s Retention Study and Holistic Analysis contributed to the new policy’s creation. In addition, earlier this year, Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Karl Schultz promised numerous changes in the coming year designed to keep women in the service, attract female recruits, and increase diversity.

Women constitute nearly 15 percent of the Coast Guard, but they tend to leave at rates higher than men after about five years – usually when they start having families. Groundbreaking changes in the past few months designed to strike a work-life balance for members include implementing a program that allows reserve members to backfill active-duty positions when personnel is on maternity, convalescent, or caregiver leave. The Coast Guard also has eliminated gender-specific pronouns from promotion packages and professional evaluations. It is exploring changes to physical standards based on body mass and requires a tape measurement of all personnel twice a year.

Schultz has said the standards disproportionately affect women and cause undue stress on service members. To receive the breast milk shipment reimbursement, personnel must be away from home on temporary duty, deployment, traveling on official business, or have an excused absence. They may apply for reimbursement for any period where they are away from home for more than 72 hours and must submit their request for payment within 60 days of returning home. A receipt is required.

Any service member who has shipped breast milk before the date of ALCOAST 215/19 can apply for reimbursement for shipments since Jan. 1. They have until Aug. 31 to request the benefit. Start now earning every month more than $20k by doing an easy job online from home. Last month my online earnings were $22759. By doing this job just in my spare time and that time is a maximum of 3 hours a day. This is just a simple and easy home job, and monthly earnings from this are just awesome. Everybody can get this job and start earning online by following the details on this website.

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Georgia J. McCarroll
As a professional travel blogger, I have traveled the world and have expertise in the most exciting cities to visit, must-have items to pack, and the best restaurants to try. I have a passion for the written word and the ability to combine it with great photography and videography. When I’m not traveling, you can find me curled up in bed with my dog, watching Netflix, or reading a book. I love all things pop culture, from the latest celebrity gossip to movies and TV shows. I’m a strong believer in the power of writing and words. You can reach out to me at